NBC’s fact-checkers have highlighted an extraordinary display of political maneuvering by Vice President Kamala Harris during her recent debate with former President Donald Trump. According to NBC, Harris managed to deliver 29 misleading statements in just 90 minutes, setting a new precedent for political rhetoric. The fact-checking team, almost in awe, remarked, “She’s good at lying.”

Political debates have long been arenas where truth often takes a back seat to persuasive storytelling, but NBC suggests Harris elevated this tactic to a new level, impressing even veteran political strategists. During the debate, the fact-checkers’ “Lie-O-Meter”—a tool tailored to detect political falsehoods—was tested to its limits. One fact-checker commented, “We’ve covered countless debates, but we’ve never seen anything like this. Our machine overheated within minutes of Harris’s first response.”

The first major falsehood identified was Harris’s claim that “The Biden administration has single-handedly saved America from a recession.” Fact-checkers quickly noted the exaggeration, considering ongoing economic challenges, including inflation. This was merely a prelude to what followed.

Throughout the debate, Harris’s imaginative approach to facts became the focal point. Whether addressing Trump’s rally sizes or his environmental policies, she artfully stretched the truth. NBC described her performance as “an impressive feat of misdirection,” suggesting her tactics left viewers unsure of the reality by the debate’s end.

Harris’s strategy was apparent: when confronted with challenging questions or vulnerabilities in her record, she skillfully employed personal attacks, irrelevant anecdotes, and strategic misinformation. This approach resembled the political equivalent of a smoke bomb, diverting attention from the issues at hand.

A notable instance occurred when Harris was questioned about her 2019 presidential campaign and her shifting stance on fracking. Instead of directly addressing the topic, she diverted the conversation to a narrative about her financial independence from her wealthy father. While technically true, this response was unrelated to the question, leading an NBC analyst to observe, “It’s like she’s mastered the art of answering a question without ever actually answering it.”

Harris’s most notable moment came during a discussion about abortion. As Trump struggled with his response on Roe v. Wade, Harris seized the opportunity with an emotional appeal, accusing Trump of promoting “Trump abortion bans” nationwide. NBC’s fact-checkers quickly pointed out that no such bans existed.

“Her ability to create entirely new terms and present them as established facts is remarkable,” said one fact-checker. “It’s like watching a magician pull a rabbit out of a hat—except the rabbit isn’t real, and neither is the hat.”

To be fair, Harris wasn’t the only one stretching the truth. Trump, too, contributed his share of “alternative facts,” from defending the size of his rally crowds to discussing debunked reports about immigrants in Ohio. However, NBC’s tally showed Harris outpaced Trump significantly. “Trump had his moments, but Kamala was on another level,” an analyst noted. “It’s like she was playing chess and Trump was playing checkers—both bent the truth, but she did it with style.”

NBC concluded that Trump had made 15 notable falsehoods, nearly half of Harris’s total. “He couldn’t keep pace with her,” a fact-checker said. “It’s like he was using a blunt hammer, while she was weaving a tapestry of half-truths and misdirections. She’s good at lying, no doubt about it.”

Viewers were left reeling from the sheer volume of misinformation. Social media buzzed with reactions as people tried to make sense of what they had witnessed. “Did Kamala just say Trump banned all abortions?” one confused Twitter user asked. Another commented, “Is this a debate or performance art?”

Even seasoned political commentators were baffled. “I’ve covered dozens of debates, but this one was something else,” said a CNN analyst. “It felt more like an improv class where the only rule was ‘make stuff up.’”

Despite NBC’s detailed fact-checking, the Harris campaign remained unfazed, framing her ability to “adapt” and “connect with voters” as a strength. A campaign spokesperson remarked, “Politics is about storytelling. Sometimes that means adjusting the facts to ensure the bigger message gets across. Kamala excels at that, and it’s why she’s such an effective communicator.” When asked about the 29 lies NBC attributed to Harris, the spokesperson chuckled, “Twenty-nine? That’s it? Honestly, that’s kind of low for a political debate. I think she could’ve gone for 30.”

As the dust settles from the Harris-Trump showdown, one thing is clear: political debates have shifted towards narrative crafting over strict truth-telling. While NBC’s fact-checkers labeled Harris as the night’s most prolific liar, her ability to wield those lies with precision and confidence is undeniable. Whether voters will penalize her for stretching the truth—or reward her for doing it so convincingly—remains to be seen. For now, the Harris campaign seems comfortable with the title: “She’s good at lying.”