Beautifying the skin with perilla leaves is safe, effective and extremely economical, more optimal than other forms of beauty using cosmetics or applying technology in many aspects. Let’s learn about facial care methods with perilla leaves with Long Chau Pharmacy!

Beauty benefits of perilla leaves

Perilla leaves are rich in vitamins and minerals such as iron, calcium, magnesium, vitamin A , and C, providing the ability to nourish and protect the skin from the sun extremely effectively. Perilla leaves also help protect the skin from freckles and ugly dark spots, support wound healing and scar healing.

Priseril ingredient has the effect of exfoliating, regenerating new, bright, smooth skin, easily absorbing nutrients added to the skin. Besides, perilla leaves are also widely used in the field of acne treatment, preventing aging very well, so this is an ingredient you should not ignore if you want to beautify with natural methods right at home.

Unexpected beauty uses of perilla leaves 1

Perilla leaves help protect the skin from ugly freckles and dark spots.

5 ways to beautify your skin with perilla leaves that you should try

With the above wonderful uses, you can use perilla leaves for beauty in the following ways.

Skin care with perilla leaves and yogurt

The combination of yogurt and perilla provides many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin, helping to prevent skin aging , brighten the skin quickly, giving you a smooth, radiant white face.

Follow these steps:

Wash about 5-7 perilla leaves, drain, then puree and squeeze out the juice.
Mix 1 tablespoon of unsweetened yogurt with perilla juice to form a thick mixture.
Cleanse face with warm water then apply the mixture on skin, gently massage to allow ingredients to penetrate deeply.
Keep it like that for about 10 minutes then wash your face with cold water. 
Apply this formula 2-3 times a week and after a while you will see your face become whiter and smoother.

Unexpected beauty uses of perilla leaves 2

The combination of yogurt and perilla provides many amino acids and vitamins that are beneficial for the skin.

Steam to treat acne with perilla leaves 

Using perilla leaves to steam your face will help open up your pores, allowing the essence to penetrate deep into your skin, softening acne. This method is very effective in treating acne , blackheads, and reducing inflammation caused by cystic acne .

Follow these steps:

Wash 10 perilla leaves and boil them with 2 liters of water for about 7 minutes. After boiling, pour the perilla leaf water into a basin, add lemon juice and 1 teaspoon of salt. Stir well to dissolve all the ingredients.
Bring your face close to the basin of water and cover your head with a towel to prevent the steam from escaping.
Do this for 20 minutes each time, 2-3 times a week and you will notice a significant improvement in your acne condition.

Make a mask with perilla leaves and honey

Honey has always been known as a “miracle drug” in the field of beauty. Not only providing many essential nutrients for the skin, honey also has outstanding antibacterial and cleansing effects. Perilla leaves and honey will be a great formula for your skin.

Follow these steps:

Clean 10 fresh perilla leaves and puree them. Mix 3 tablespoons of pure honey into the pureed leaves.
Wash your face thoroughly. Gently apply the mixture on your face and leave it for 10 minutes to allow the nutrients to penetrate deeply.
Use cool water to wash your face. Just do it regularly 2 times a week, you will get the desired results.

Unexpected beauty uses of perilla leaves 3

Perilla leaves and honey will be a great recipe for your skin.

Treat melasma with perilla and fresh lemon

Fresh lemon is a very familiar ingredient for women who are passionate about natural beauty methods. Perilla and fresh lemon will help disinfect, brighten the skin, and fade dark spots and freckles on the skin safely and effectively.

Follow these steps:

Wash, remove wilted leaves and soak about 10 perilla leaves in salt water then put in a blender.
Cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice and mix well with the pureed perilla leaves.
Apply this mixture to the skin area that needs to be treated for melasma and freckles for 10 minutes then rinse with cool water.
Do this regularly twice a week and the dark spots and freckles will gradually fade over time.

Make a mask from perilla leaves and coconut oil 

Coconut oil provides superior moisturizing ability for the skin, while also helping to exfoliate and prevent acne very effectively, so when combined with perilla leaves, it will be a great mask formula for your face.

Follow these steps:

Puree 5 washed perilla leaves with a little filtered water.
Pour the pureed leaves into a bowl and add 1 teaspoon of pure coconut oil. Stir well to combine the two ingredients.
Apply the mixture on your face, massage gently and leave the mask on for about 10 minutes to allow the nutrients to penetrate deeply.
After 10 minutes, rinse your face with cold water. Do this regularly twice a week for best results.

Unexpected beauty uses of perilla leaves 4

Coconut oil combined with perilla leaves will be a very good mask formula for your skin.

Perilla leaves are a popular, easy-to-find leaf, but few people know its wonderful beauty benefits. If you want to have white, smooth skin without dark spots, freckles or ugly acne, try the 5 extremely simple but extremely effective skin care methods using perilla leaves above!