Summary of ways to remove dark circles under the eyes quickly, safely, and easily at home. Let’s find out with Hasaki the causes of dark circles under the eyes of women. See now!

Dark circles or large eye bags are one of the facial defects that many women always want to remove. However, the formation of dark circles or large eye bags has many causes. If it is not due to genetic factors, you can easily get rid of these defects with the following 10 ways to remove dark circles quickly, safely, and easily at home.

I. Causes of dark circles under the eyes

Dark circles under the eyes are one of the problems that cause loss of facial aesthetics, making many women feel self-conscious. So what are the causes that make you susceptible to dark circles under the eyes? 

how to remove dark circles under eyes

1. Lack of sleep, long-term insomnia

Sleep is very important for human health, not only that, it also greatly affects the beauty of women. Lack of sleep, insomnia will make your skin worse and prone to aging problems. Staying up late will also have a bad effect on our eyes, dark circles, eye bags will easily appear if you often stay up late or have insomnia.

2. Dehydration and unscientific eating habits

Your eyes will easily get dark circles if you do not have the habit of drinking a lot of water, as well as having an unscientific diet. Foods containing a lot of fat, spicy, and lacking green vegetables not only have a bad effect on your health and weight, but also make your facial skin, especially the eye area, prone to aging and dark circles.

3. Due to the effects of sunlight and cosmetics

Not using sunscreen or low-quality cosmetics is also one of the causes of aging eye skin. This stimulates melanin pigments, leading to darkening and aging.

4. Use of stimulants

Stimulants are one of the main causes of skin aging problems, especially dark circles under the eyes. To avoid eye bags or dark circles, it is best to avoid products such as alcohol, beer, coffee, cigarettes, etc.

5. Due to aging, genetic factors

If you are a person with a healthy lifestyle but still have problems with eye bags and dark circles, it is likely due to genetic factors or the aging process of the skin. Specifically, because from birth, the skin around the eyes contains a lot of dark pigments, small and thick blood vessels, making the skin around the eyes thin and dark. 

II. 10 effective ways to remove dark circles under the eyes, easy to do at home.

Dark circles make you feel less confident and your skin looks tired and lifeless. To overcome this situation, we will show you 10 effective ways to remove dark circles from natural ingredients that are easy to find but still ensure high efficiency.

1. How to remove dark circles under the eyes with ice

To remove dark circles under the eyes due to working late at night or not getting enough sleep, you can use ice wrapped in a towel and apply it to your eyes for 3-5 minutes. Or you can put 2 stainless steel spoons in the freezer for 30 minutes. Then take the spoons out and press the back of the spoons on the eye bags to help reduce dark circles, wrinkles and prevent aging. 

simple way to remove dark circles under eyes

Besides, you should combine with eye massage movements in circular motions and relax your mind to let your skin rest, thereby improving aging eye skin, puffiness or dark circles.

2. Remove dark circles with tea bags

For those who often drink tea bags, you can save the tea leaves to make a very effective eye mask to treat dark circles. One of the reasons why tea bags are effective in reducing dark circles is because tea contains a lot of tannins and caffeine, antioxidants, and improves aging skin around the eyes.

3. Reduce dark circles with fresh milk

Fresh milk is not only good for health but it is also widely used in beauty. Eye mask to treat dark circles with fresh milk is also one of the ways worth trying. However, to be effective, before applying milk to the eye area, you should leave the fresh milk in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The coolness of the milk after being placed in the refrigerator will help to effectively remove dark circles and eye bags, while creating a feeling of relaxation for the user. When the fresh milk penetrates the skin for about 5-10 minutes, wipe it off with water. Use regularly 2-3 times/week and you will feel the skin under the eyes brighter and smoother.

4. How to quickly remove dark circles under the eyes with aloe vera

Aloe vera is one of the ingredients commonly used in skin care cosmetics. Not only does it contain many vitamins that help nourish healthy skin, aloe vera is also highly valued for its ability to effectively moisturize and soothe the skin. Therefore, you can use aloe vera to apply on areas with puffiness or dark circles to nourish the skin to be bright and smooth. 

There are two ways to make an eye mask with aloe vera: you can use frozen aloe vera juice and apply it to your eyes, or use two thin slices of fresh aloe vera to apply to your eyes and wait for 5-10 minutes. Applying an eye mask with aloe vera regularly will help improve aging skin around the eyes effectively, while also removing dark circles.

5. Cucumber eye mask

Similar to aloe vera, cucumber is also one of the skin care ingredients chosen by many women. Cucumber contains many nutrients and vitamins that help nourish the skin to be bright, healthy, and prevent aging problems on the skin. You should apply cucumber mask 30 minutes before going to bed to effectively treat dark circles.

How to remove dark circles under eyes easily at home

6. Treat dark circles with eggs

Treating bruises and skin blemishes with hot chicken eggs is certainly not too strange to many women, but few people know that this method also works for dark circles under the eyes. To treat dark circles under the eyes with chicken eggs, boil an egg until it is still warm, then roll it evenly over the two dark eye areas for 10-15 minutes. After a while, you will feel a clear change in your eyes.

7. Get rid of dark circles with coconut oil and coffee grounds

Treating dark circles with coconut oil and coffee grounds is also one of the favorite skin care methods of many women. Coffee grounds not only help to clean dead skin but also help to nourish healthy and bright skin. When combined with coconut oil, it will help to moisturize, nourish the eye area to be soft and smooth, preventing obvious signs of aging on the skin.

To make a coffee and coconut oil mask is quite simple, you just need to prepare 1 small spoon of coconut oil and 2 small spoons of coffee grounds, mix well together. After washing your face, apply the paper mask on your skin, then apply the mixture and lie down to relax for 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

8. Treat dark circles with lemon juice

Vitamin C in lemon juice is also one of the nutrients that help brighten the skin effectively. Besides using lemon juice to brighten the face, you can apply this method to the skin around the eyes to treat dark circles. Use cotton soaked in lemon juice, rub around the eyes and leave for about 10 minutes, then rinse with water. Persistently 3 times/week after a while you will see clear results.

9. Get rid of dark circles with rose water

If you are a skincare enthusiast, you are probably familiar with rose water face masks. Not only does it help moisturize effectively, rose water also contains many nutrients that help improve skin conditions such as wrinkles, dark skin, etc. With the magical uses that rose water brings to women, why don’t you try treating dark circles with rose water? You just need to wet two cotton pads with toner, then place them on your eyes and relax. After about 15-20 minutes, remove them and perform the next skin care steps.

how to remove dark circles under eyes from natural ingredients

10. Treat dark circles with potatoes

In addition to aloe vera and cucumber, potatoes are also a strong candidate for effectively treating dark circles under the eyes. After washing, cut the potatoes into thin slices and place them on your eyes for 5-7 minutes. To avoid itching or irritation, wash your face with warm water and pat dry. 

III. Notes when applying natural masks to remove dark circles under the eyes at home

Treating dark circles with natural ingredients is used by many women at home, however, if used incorrectly, you will easily encounter problems such as irritation, acne, etc. Therefore, when applying eye masks from natural ingredients, you should choose a reputable source with an expiration date. In addition, you should also practice healthy eating habits, get enough sleep, drink enough water, etc. to have good health and beautiful skin.