Angelina Jolie finds her dad’s politics hard to stomach, claims source

Angelina Jolie not happy with her father Jon Voight: SourceAngelina Jolie not happy with her father Jon Voight: Source

Angelina Jolie has not forgiven her father, Jon Voight, for his past sins.

A source spilled to In Touch, “She’s never really forgiven him for breaking her mom’s heart.”

Angelina’s parents, who tied the knot in 1976, confirmed their separation after Jon’s infidelity.

The source mentioned that Angelina “felt ignored by her father after the split as he was out partying and living the life he wanted to”.

“Angelina finds her dad’s politics hard to stomach, but she really draws the line when he talks about her kids as though he has some inside scoop,” explained an insider.

The source pointed out, “It makes her absolutely furious and proves Jon is the same self-centered person he’s always been.”

“I wish they’d find a way to make peace,” said Jon while talking about Brad Pitt and Angelina in a recent interview.

He stated, “You know, I think the kids need some stability. I love the kids, and I love my daughter. And I want Brad to step up to do, you know, what he has to do. End this nonsense.”

However, Angelina found her father’s comment “especially offensive”.

“All Angelina has done is stand up for her family. It undermines her and minimizes the trauma she’s been through,” mentioned an insider.

The source added, “Considering Jon was such an absent parent she finds it ironic that he’s now so concerned about her kids.”