WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H

WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H

Former Intercontinental Champion Ryback believes Brian Gewirtz could replace Triple H as WWE Chief Content Officer.

The Game assumed the position of Chief Content Officer in 2022 following Vince McMahon’s initial retirement. Although all McMahon family members are no longer with the company, TKO still trusts The Game to lead the creative process. Nevertheless, Ryback thinks that could be about to change.

The former superstar claimed on his Ryback TV podcast that although the atmosphere under Triple H’s leadership could be better than it was under Vince McMahon’s, the company could still replace him with former WWE Head Writer Brian Gewirtz. The latter is a close friend and business partner of The Rock. He reportedly works closely with The Final Boss on his current run.

“This Vince trial stuff is a real thing going on. Like, it is a real thing. And I believe that after WrestleMania, more pieces are gonna be gone. I don’t know if he’s [Triple H] gonna be included. I personally hope, coz I don’t believe that the man’s changed. I don’t buy the heart attack stuff that he ever changed, I don’t buy it. I don’t buy it coz I just know the things that he’s personally done, and I know that he’s still like, from my own situation with them wanting to settle the trademark, and that him being afraid to talk. I just know he hasn’t changed,” he said. [55:53 – 56:24]The Big Guy added:

“I just know enough to where, he’s not, yeah, he might be better than Vince on certain things for the product but I just think I won’t be shocked if he’s gone. (…) I think they can replace what he’s doing with Brian Gewirtz. (…) I think that all the positives we’re seeing will continue with that.” [57:05 – 57:55]

Triple H kicked off WWE WrestleMania XL

After Coco Jones performed the American national anthem, WWE Chief Content Officer Triple H kicked off WrestleMania XL. The Game headed to the ring and greeted the crowd in attendance.

As The Game opened the show, he claimed the Stamford-based company is in a new time and era.

“Welcome to a new time! Welcome to a new era! Welcome to WrestleMania!” Triple H said.

Wrestling veteran Matt Morgan recently discussed whether Triple H and WWE could change the finish of Cody Rhodes’ title match tonight against Roman Reigns due to the fans’ reaction to the tag team match between The Rock & The Tribal Chief and Cody Rhodes & Seth Rollins last night. The crowd unexpectedly cheered The Final Boss and his partner several times during the match.

Do you think Triple H will continue with WWE after WrestleMania XL? Hit the discuss button and sound off.