The mother-of-ten is said to have been hit hard by the shocking allegations in the new documentary Leaving Neverland

THE health of Michael Jackson’s mum is failing and friends fear she may never walk again due to the anguish caused by fresh child abuse claims against the star.

Katherine Jackson is said to have been hit hard by the shocking allegations in a new documentary, and is reportedly now using a wheelchair full time.

 Mother-of-ten Katherine Jackson is now confined to a wheelchair after battling her failing health

Mother-of-ten Katherine Jackson is now confined to a wheelchair after battling her failing health Credit: Getty – Contributor

She is under such huge stress that her family and friends fear she may never again walk without help.

Those close to the family say the 88-year-old is at a “severe low” due to the “destructive allegations” in Leaving Neverland, which will air in the UK on Channel 4 on March 6 and 7.

Former Jackson family attorney Brian Oxman, still a close family friend, told “I have spoken to family members who have told me that Mrs Jackson is in a wheelchair.

“The Wade Robson and James Safechuck allegations and documentary has affected her enormously, and she is terrifically upset by it. It is affecting her health and condition.”

The documentary gives a disturbing glimpse into the lives of the former boy companions of Jackson – who dressed like him, slept with him and have accused the star of sexual abuse.

It was branded a “horror film” after the four-hour documentary’s debut revealed gruesome accounts from two of Jacko’s alleged victims who are now in their 30s.

It left audience members shocked with graphic abuse claims including how he allegedly gave a young boy jewellery in exchange for sex acts.


Mother-of-ten Katherine is said to be particularly hurt by the claims of Robson and has reportedly told friends he has “betrayed her son.”

A family source told “Katherine is now wheelchair bound, and emotionally crippled by what these two men are saying about Michael.

“It is so terrifically sad. While her mind is still strong, the emotions have taken a toll on her body – everyone can see that.”

The last time Katherine spoke to Robson she remembers him saying that he loved Michael and will never forget what he did for him, the source claimed.

She is not the only Jackson family member to have been affected by the outrageous claims.

Earlier this month, Jermaine Jackson broke down in tears while defending his superstar brother, calling the latest allegations against him “nonsense.”

While speaking on Good Morning Britain, he pleaded with the public to let his late brother “rest” while wiping away tears from his face.

He said: “The family are very tired. Let him rest. Let this man rest.”

The dead superstar’s estate has also slammed as “disgraceful” the contentious Leaving Neverland shock doc.

The estate’s lawyer sent a 10-page letter to HBO boss Richard Plepler, criticising the two-part film as “one-sided and a disgrace”.

 The star leaves court with his mother after attending his trial on allegations of child molestation in 2005

The star leaves court with his mother after attending his trial on allegations of child molestation in 200 Credit: AFP – Getty

 Jacko with accuser James Safechuck at a party in London in 1988

Jacko with accuser James Safechuck at a party in London in 1988 Credit: Rex Features

 Michael Jackson, pictured with Wade Robson, now 36, who has accused the late superstar of abusing him

Michael Jackson, pictured with Wade Robson, now 36, who has accused the late superstar of abusing him