Homeless man asks Big Shaq can you give me 1$ Big Shaq’s response is Shocking!

Watch The Roots welcome Shaquille O’Neal to ‘The Tonight Show’ by playing Big Shaq’s ‘Man’s Not Hot’

The NBA legend was delighted with the Philadelphia band’s choice of song during his guest appearance on the Jimmy Fallon-hosted show

Big Shaq Shaquille O'NealBig Shaq and even bigger Shaq

The Roots surprised legendary NBA player Shaquille O’Neal on last night’s episode of The Tonight Show by welcoming him to the show with a cover of Big Shaq‘s ‘Man’s Not Hot’.

The Philadelphia outfit, who serve as the house band on the Jimmy Fallon-hosted show, paid homage to London comedian Michael Dapaah’s comic creation with the rendition as they welcomed the former LA Lakers player to the show.

As O’Neal walked onto the set last night (October 10), The Roots started playing a short section of ‘Man’s Not Hot’ – with lead MC Black Thought performing a synthesised version of the viral hit’s lyrics, including: “Big Shaq, the man’s not hot / 2 + 2 is 4, minus 1 that’s 3: quick maths“. O’Neal appeared to recognise the cover, and gave his glowing approval to The Roots.

Roots drummer Questlove later put up a clip of the performance on his Instagram, saying that the rendition of ‘Man’s Not Hot’ was in his “top 10 walk on music choices ever.”

Last month, Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn got in on the popularity of the ‘Man’s Not Hot’ meme by referencing the Fire In The Booth session during a party conference event.