Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s $68 million Beverly Hills pad is still high and dry … sitting unsold after more than a month on the market.

We spoke to multiple L.A. real estate sources who tell us there’s been no movement on the mansion — so seems like even the drama of the pair’s recent divorce news isn’t enough to nudge things along.

We’re told the 12-bedroom, 24-bathroom palace has had plenty of showings since it was listed publicly in July … but no serious offers or deals are in place.

One agent believes the house might be on the market for a while because it’s tough to flip a place so soon after buying it at a much higher price — just like what’s happening with Jen and Ben’s place.

They snagged the house for just over $60 million last year, and put a ton of money into renovations … but even with all those upgrades, we’re told it’s a tough sell to explain why it’s worth $8 million more … less than a year later.

Plus, the pool of potential buyers who can afford a $60-million-plus mansion is probably pretty small.

Meanwhile, another agent added it’ll take a while for any big deals to happen, thanks to the tough market with high interest rates.

TMZ broke the news … J Lo headed straight to L.A. County Superior Court to file for divorce, and our sources told us there was no prenup in sight.

Ben’s since bought a new $20.5 million Brentwood mansion … firmly closing the door on the divorced couple’s empty house.

It appears that Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s luxurious Beverly Hills mansion is still struggling to find a buyer, despite being on the market for over a month.

The real estate market in L.A. seems to be a tough one to crack, even for a property as extravagant as theirs. With 12 bedrooms and 24 bathrooms, the mansion has definitely attracted its fair share of attention, but no serious offers have been made.

One possible reason for the lack of interest could be the high price tag of $68 million. It’s not easy to justify such a steep increase in value, especially considering they only bought the property for $60 million last year.

The renovations may have added to the appeal of the mansion, but convincing potential buyers to pay $8 million more in less than a year is proving to be a challenge.Additionally, the pool of individuals who can afford a mansion of this caliber is limited, which further narrows down the list of potential buyers. The current market conditions, with high interest rates, are also not helping in speeding up the selling process.

It seems like it may take some time before a suitable offer comes in for the mansion.Meanwhile, Jennifer Lopez wasted no time in filing for divorce in L.A. County Superior Court, signaling the end of an era for the former couple.

Ben Affleck has already moved on, purchasing a new $20.5 million mansion in Brentwood, putting a definitive end to any hope of reconciliation between the two.As the saga of Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck’s mansion continues, it serves as a reminder of the unpredictable nature of the real estate market.

Despite all the glamour and grandeur, even celebrity-owned properties can face challenges when it comes to finding the right buyer. Stay tuned for more updates on this story, as we strive to provide you with the latest and most relevant information.