Christine Simpson, Nick Kypreos reporting for Sportsnet
Photo credit: Sportsnet

Sportsnet has been involved in some major dismissal stories lately, and they followed through with yet another one today, firing Christine Simpson.

On-air personality Christine Simpson, better known as Chris Simpson, announced recently she was no longer with the network. Many fans and colleagues were shocked.

Simpson has been a staple in hockey media since her on-air debut in 1998, and her work with Sportsnet’s ‘Hockey Night in Canada’ has gained quite some recognition.

Her interview segments with NHL superstars have become somewhat of a staple within the show, giving viewers much more than just skate-and-stick insight into players’ lives many times. For sure, her loss is definitely a huge blow to the network, which recently has been undergoing several changes.

Earlier this summer, Sportsnet and Jeff Marek parted ways after some controversy associated with the leakage of player information relevant to the 2024 NHL Entry Draft. The hockey media personality recognized his departure and hinted at his potential next steps.

Recently, Kyle Bukauskas has taken Marek’s place and is co-hosting the ’32 Thoughts’ podcast alongside Elliotte Friedman. While Bukauskas is competent in his role, losing talents like Marek and Simpson begs questions about the future direction of Sportsnet’s hockey coverage.

Ironically, every time one of those huge changes happens with Sportsnet, there is always one question in the minds of the fans: Is host Ron MacLean next? While MacLean has been part of ‘Hockey Night in Canada’ for quite a long time, his style, to many, is leading towards being retired, and perhaps it is time for him to pass the torch. His contract isn’t up for another two years, but it seems pretty clear the chatter surrounding his potential departure is not going away anytime soon.

Ron MacLean and Don Cherry were on everyone’s television set every Saturday night, and fans have many fond memories of their on-air dynamic. Ron was the calm, reasoned voice while Don brought the fiery, unfiltered opinions. But in recent years, MacLean’s presence feels a little stale, as though he’s stuck in some sort of time warp. No one would be surprised if Ron were next to go.

When Christine Simpson announced she was leaving, in some ways it left hockey fans wondering what she would be up to next, whether that be moving to another network or into another hockey media role. Time will tell, but from experience and a name basis, it can only be assumed she won’t be off the radar for long. Fans are, however, hoping for a little more clarity shortly regarding her sudden departure.

To this day, Christine Simpson remains in the limelight, having left behind a legacy of simply great reporting and interviewing. Fans and colleagues alike are taking to social media to send their well wishes her way, and no doubt, absolutely everyone is excited to find out what she does next. Simpson’s next life chapter is sure to be one worth watching.