La vida real del Príncipe Carlos

 Los giros y las vueltas siguen
No se puede negar que la vida del Príncipe Carlos ha sido una montaña rusa. Desde que tiene uso de razón, el Príncipe de Gales siempre ha sabido que algún día le llegaría la hora de ponerse la corona y convertirse en el Rey de Inglaterra. Sin embargo, el hijo de la Reina Isabel II ha dado muchas vueltas a su vida. He aquí algunos de los más inolvidables…

¿Realmente nació para ser Rey?

Desde el primer día, el Príncipe Carlos fue un hombre de primeras veces y a menudo rompía el molde real. En noviembre de 1948, una joven princesa Isabel dio a luz a Carlos, y los periódicos informaron entonces de que era un “niño encantador, un bebé realmente espléndido.”

 ¿Realmente nació para ser rey?

Sorprendentemente, el príncipe recién nacido fue el primer bebé de la realeza que nació en el Palacio de Buckingham en el siglo XX. Aunque no tuvo que crecer durante la primera o la segunda guerra mundial, Carlos tendría sus propias batallas con el paso de los años…

Paso de la Corona

El 6 de febrero de 1952 marcó un momento agridulce en la historia de la monarquía británica. Al Rey Jorge VI, abuelo de Carlos, se le diagnosticó una trombosis coronaria y finalmente falleció. Esto significó dos cosas importantes. En primer lugar, la hija de Jorge, Isabel, se convirtió inmediatamente en la Reina de Inglaterra.

Paso de la Corona
Posteriormente, con sólo tres años y tres meses de edad, Carlos era ahora el primero en la línea de sucesión al trono. Esto iniciaría uno de los periodos más largos que cualquier miembro de la realeza ha tenido como heredero…

El Principito

Con el paso de los años, Carlos fue recibiendo cada vez más títulos. Sin embargo, uno de sus títulos más importantes llegó en julio de 1958, cuando su madre, la reina Isabel II, le nombró príncipe de Gales. Tenía sentido, ya que el niño de nueve años era un heredero varón al trono.

 El Principito
Más de una década después, Carlos fue coronado oficialmente como Príncipe de Gales en el castillo de Caernarfon. A pesar de que sus obligaciones reales se acumulaban, el príncipe Carlos seguía empeñado en tener algún tipo de normalidad en su vida…

Como cualquier otro estudiante

Al entrar en la adolescencia, el Príncipe Carlos siguió rompiendo las normas reales, decidido a tener algún tipo de vida “normal”, significara eso lo que significara. En octubre de 1967, se convirtió en el primer heredero real en asistir a la universidad.

 Como cualquier otro estudiante
Estudió en el Trinity College de Cambridge hasta que finalmente se graduó en 1970 con un 2:2 en antropología, arqueología e historia. Muchos aficionados ocasionales se preguntaron por qué un miembro de la familia real británica no pudo graduarse con un sobresaliente. Algunos especulan que fue por la siguiente razón…

“Ladies’ Man”

Although Prince Charles’ personal life later spiraled out of control, it seems the royal family did not forgive him for long before he married anyone. Some family members told the press that he was a “lady juan.”

 “Ladies’ Man”
However, Charles was quick to deny such claims and was deeply hurt by such accusations. Although future relationships did not help his case, Charles has since spoken out…

The saga begins…

1971 was the year that Prince Charles’ personal life began to take some major turns. It was the year that he met Camilla Shand and they soon began dating. By all accounts, it seemed like a match made in heaven.

 The saga begins…
However, the couple eventually broke up when Camilla began dating Andrew Parker Bowles. They married in 1973 and Charles was back to square one. He turned his attention elsewhere…

In the Navy

Around the same time that Prince Charles was tangled up with Camilla, he began a six-month training program as a jet pilot in the Royal Air Force. The young prince eventually moved on to the Royal Navy, where he would serve on several ships and even train as a helicopter pilot.

 In the Navy
For the last ten months of his naval service, Charles took command of HMS Bronington. Many years later, his flying days would come to an end when he crashed a BAe 146 in the Hebrides.

The first of many charitable works

In 1976, Charles left his days in the navy behind him and began planning what he was going to do next with his life. Shortly after leaving his service, the Prince of Wales used the $8,000 he had accumulated from his military pension to establish The Prince’s Trust.

 The first of many charities
This charity aims to help young people in need. The Prince’s Trust was the first of more than 25 charities that Prince Charles has created or been involved with over the years.

He once dated Princess Diana’s sister

It is well known that Prince Charles was married to Princess Diana. However, many are not aware that the Prince of Wales allegedly dated her older sister, Lady Sarah McCorquodale, despite already knowing her sister.

 He once dated Princess Diana’s sister
In 1977, the two are believed to have seen each other for around nine months. However, the relationship did not last, and this was partly due to an embarrassing interview Sarah gave about Charles. She allegedly stated that she would not marry him “if he were the dustman or the King of England.”

His early days with Diana

As mentioned, Charles had already met Diana Spencer in 1977. However, it was not until 1980 that the Prince of Wales considered dating her. According to biographer Jonathan Dimbleby, Diana had supported Charles after the loss of his uncle Lord Mountbatten.

 His early days with Diana
“Without any apparent increase in feelings, he began to think seriously about her as a possible bride,” he wrote. As the media remained skeptical about whether Charles really had feelings for Diana, Prince Philip pressed Charles to make a decision about his future sooner rather than later…

Prince Charles makes his decision

When Prince Charles proposed to Diana, it was just before she was due to leave for Australia. He wanted to give her time to think about this big decision, which would entail so many changes in her daily life for the rest of her life.

 Prince Charles makes his decision
But she surprised him, and the world, by saying “yes” immediately. In 1981, their engagement was announced; he was 31, she was 19. But when asked if they were in love, her answer was: “Whatever ‘in love’ means.”

The controversial couple gets married

His response worried many, both Diana and the reporter present. Those close to him explained that it had to do with the pressure on him to choose an “intelligent partner” with whom to spend his life and introduce her into the royal family, rather than a mere reflection of his love.

 The controversial couple gets married
But even today, many believe it was a harbinger of things to come. The couple did, however, marry at St Paul’s Cathedral on 29 July 1981.

William and Harry are born

One of the many priorities of the royal family is to have lots of royal children, so the new couple was quick to become first-time parents themselves. On June 21, 1982, exactly one year later, Charles and Diana welcomed Prince William of Wales into the family.

 William and Harry are born
The first years of their marriage were better, and their first child was followed by a second: Prince Harry, born on September 15, 1984. But the difficulties in their relationship soon became apparent.

The downward spiral began

Whether it was simply a matter of opposite personalities or a 13-year age difference, the world will never know. But just five years into their marriage, the relationship was in jeopardy.

 The downward spiral began
Diana, for her part, had barely entered the most formative years of her life; years when the average person changes drastically and rapidly. Years later, a video surfaced in which Diana said on tape that in 1986 she had been “deeply in love” with someone who worked close to the family.

Carlos reunites with Camilla: ex-girlfriend and future wife

Coincidentally – or not – the royal family’s police officer Barry Mannakee was transferred that year to another post (the Diplomatic Protection Brigade) that would keep him further away from Diana. It was that same year that Charles met up with an old love: Camilla Parker Bowles.

 Carlos reunites with Camilla: ex-girlfriend and future wife
They had dated briefly before his relationship with Diana began, but in order to pursue Diana with commitment, he cut off contact with her. When asked in later years what prompted their reconnection, Prince Charles admitted that his marriage was all but broken by then.

Diana takes a lover

Meanwhile, Diana seemed more interested in protecting her own heart than in protecting her reputation. It seemed no secret to her that the Prince’s rekindled friendship with his former love Camilla was far from just friendly. A transcript of a conversation between her and her riding instructor, James Gilbey, which took place around the same time only became public years later, in 1992; when Charles and Diana were still married, but far from together.

 Diana takes a lover
In it, Gilbey professes his love for Diana and calls her by an affectionate nickname, “Squidgy,” 53 times – giving their scandal the nickname “Squidgygate.”

Prince Charles has his own leaked call

Shortly after Diana’s call was leaked, another transcript was leaked, this time of a conversation between Prince Charles and his unhappily married “friend” Camilla. Rumours had already been widely circulated, but this conversation was proof enough for the masses.

 Prince Charles has his own leaked call
One particularly compelling point was a comment Charles made to Camilla about turning into a tampon. It is no surprise that he and Diana announced their separation just a few months later.

Charles speaks to the press

In the following years, the writer Jonathan Dimbleby was given full access to the Prince along with his papers and diaries while working on a book about him, which was eventually published in the 1994 work The Prince of Wales .

 [post_page_title]Diana speaks for herself[/post_page_title]It was only a matter of time before Princess Diana had a say in this, or perhaps gave it to herself. On 20 November 1995, Diana gave an interview to Panorama in which she blamed Bowles for the failure of her relationship with Prince Charles and described her marriage as “crowded”.

 Diana speaks for herself
“Well, there were three of us in this marriage, so it was a little cramped,” she told the 23 million people who watched the show very publicly.

From separation to official divorce

Although they had been separated for years, widespread knowledge of the status of their relationship led Prince Charles and Princess Diana to take the next step in their separation and make their divorce official. It was finalized in 1996.

 From separation to official divorce
It was the first time in history that an heir and descendant to the throne was allowed to divorce, which would be followed by another great first: his permission to remarry, and even more shockingly, to another divorcee.

The worst was yet to come

His English subjects were baffled, to say the least. Three broken rules in a row made them wonder if rules even mattered anymore.

 The worst was yet to come
But before long, their concerns for time and tradition were put on hold by a tragedy that no one saw coming and that shocked not only England, but the entire world: just one year after their divorce, Princess Diana died in a car accident while in Paris on August 31, 1997. Despite their differences and separation, this would be very bad news for Prince Charles.

Carlos stops the public with Camilla

In addition to the widespread sadness and the resurgence of affection for the young princess, public opinion turned critical of Prince Charles. Many suspected his involvement in the tragedy that ended the princess’s life and vilified him for it. For a time, he kept a low profile, mainly hiding his budding romance with Camilla, although everyone knew they were together.

 Carlos stops the public with Camilla
But over time, he decided that the time had finally come to start living his truth with transparency. In 1999, he made his first public appearance with Camilla at a party at the Ritz.

Prince Charles marries Camilla and makes history

To say that the Queen approved of their relationship would be a far cry from the truth, but ultimately she did not stand in the way of Charles and Camilla’s love. The couple spent years enjoying their relationship despite the many odds against them, and took their time getting to the altar, even though she had been a part of his intimate life and family for some time.

 Prince Charles marries Camilla and makes history
On April 9, 2005, 30 years after they met, Prince Charles and Camilla were officially married at a registry office in Windsor. Prince Harry later said: “We are very grateful for her. She has made our father very happy.”

His reactions to the media

There is no denying that Prince Charles’ relationship with the media has not always been smooth. During a meeting at St. Bride’s Fleet Street in 2002, the royal noted that the press has at times been “clumsy, cantankerous, cynical, sometimes intrusive, sometimes inaccurate and sometimes deeply unfair and damaging to individuals and institutions.”

 His reactions to the media
Still, Prince Charles also made a reasonable point when he addressed the fact that “from time to time, we are probably both a bit hard on each other, exaggerating the negatives and ignoring the good in each other.”

Grandpa Charles

Let’s face it: becoming a parent or grandparent is a magical experience. We’re sure Prince Charles would agree considering his grandchildren are the apple of his eye. In July 2013, at the age of 64, Charles became a grandfather for the first time when Prince George was born.

 Grandpa Carlos
Although Charles himself admits that keeping up with his grandchildren “exhausts me,” there’s no doubt that they have him wrapped around their tiny fingers. Take this photo, for example. Charles looks like he’s having the time of his life as Prince Louis clings to his face.

Harry and Meghan? He approves

We think it’s safe to say that Prince Charles was completely on board and supportive of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle from the very beginning of their relationship. Not only did he walk Meghan down the aisle on her wedding day—as his own father couldn’t be present—but he also helped the newlyweds “move on” during their first year of marriage despite the controversy and rumors surrounding them as senior royals.

 Harry and Meghan? He approves
All that said, it is clear that Prince Charles shares a close relationship with both his sons and daughters-in-law.

Harry and Meghan are leaving?!

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have made headlines after issuing a statement announcing that they will officially step down as “senior members” of the British royal family as of March 31. Although Queen Elizabeth II issued a statement saying that she and her family “fully support Harry and Meghan’s desire to create a new life as a young family,” Charles is reportedly “livid” about his son and daughter-in-law’s announcement.

 Harry and Meghan are leaving?!
He also allegedly blames Meghan for pushing Harry out of the royal spotlight. While Harry and Meghan received a $6 million annual stipend from Charles before their exit, sources say the Prince of Wales is still mulling over how much he will give the couple now that they are stepping back.

Relationship with the Queen

Throughout history, the relationship between Queen Elizabeth II and her heir has been the subject of much debate. The fact that the Queen’s official royal duties began when Charles was still very young has led to suggestions that Charles may not have formed as strong a bond with his mother as he had with his nannies and, especially, his beloved grandmother.

Relationship with the Queen
According to Charles himself, it was “inevitably the nursery staff” and his grandmother who taught him to play, witnessed his first steps and disciplined him. During an emotional tribute at the Queen Mother’s funeral in 2002, Charles explained that “she meant everything and I had dreaded this moment along with, I know, countless others… I adored her. I adored her.”

Will he be King?

For those who don’t know, there have been rumors circulating on the internet and in the tabloids that Queen Elizabeth wants to ignore the line of succession and make Prince William along with Kate Middleton the next King and Queen of England, instead of Prince Charles and Camilla, Duchess of Cornwall.

Will he be King?
While we can admit that Prince Charles has caused quite a bit of controversy over the years, this speculation is simply not true. Even if Queen Elizabeth wanted to change her successor, she doesn’t actually have the power to do so. Aside from that fact, Prince Charles is simply the most qualified royal to become King.

Recent illness

Amid the spread of Covid-19 in 2020, Prince Charles found it difficult to avoid shaking hands when greeting people at the Prince’s Trust Awards held at the London Palladium. Stepping onto the red carpet, Charles extended his hand to Sir Kenneth Olisa – the Lord-Lieutenant of Greater London – before reminding people of the precautions in place to limit the spread of germs.

When he realized this, he quickly removed his hand to join his palms in the Hindu greeting “Namaste” and continued to greet each person in this way for the rest of the ceremony.