Revealing the special reason why a Canadian restaurant refused to serve British Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle, causing a stir on social media

Canadian restaurant refuses to serve Prince Harry and his wife

Canadian restaurants refuse to serve British Prince Harry and his wife. (Source: Sputnik)

The Prince of England, Prince of Sussex Harry, his wife Meghan Markle and 8-month-old son Archie spent their first Christmas holiday on Vancouver Island, Canada. They had a minor incident when they were refused service by a restaurant here.

The Vancouver Sun quoted Bev Koffel, owner of the Deep Cove Chalet restaurant in Greater Victoria, as saying that last week the security team of the British royal couple contacted them to book a table at the restaurant. However, Bev Koffel’s husband refused to serve citing strict security requirements. Meanwhile, Bev expressed regret for missing out on the opportunity to serve members of the British Royal Family.

Hoàng gia Anh lo bị vợ chồng Harry 'nói xấu' - Báo VnExpress

In the end, Prince Harry and Duchess Meghan did not dine at the Deep Cove Chalet restaurant, but the couple climbed together in Horth Hill, a tourist attraction in the city of Greater Victoria.

Last weekend, on Twitter, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau welcomed the British Royal Family’s small family to Canada: “Prince Harry, Duchess Meghan, Archie, wish you a wonderful holiday in Canada. You are friends, we always welcome you.”

Vợ chồng Hoàng tử Harry - Meghan sẽ chuyển nhà? | VTV.VN