Bone-Chilling Threat Heard In Leaked Air Traffic Control Audio From Friday’s Plane Crash In Philadelphia

Photo of Air Traffic Control wavelengths and photo of ATF personnel in PhiladelphiaAir Traffic Control audio & ATF officers (Photos via @CultureWar2020/X & Getty Images)
A curious, chilling message has leaked online following the terrible plane crash in Philadelphia on Friday evening, with audio from Air Traffic Control making it to social media in the wake of the terrible incident.

It appears ATC was unable to reach the air ambulance that crashed into a populated part of said city.

“We have a lost aircraft, not sure what happened,” someone is heard saying in the clip shared below. But prior to that, and amid all the confusion, another voice comes in for a few seconds and sounds like it says, “They are f**king with the wrong people.”

Audio From Air Traffic Control Prompts Suggestions Of Foul Play

Of course, this has triggered suspicion over something sinister having gone down, but we aren’t sure what to make of it.

“This transmission is best heard with headphones, that is pretty eerie. Has got to be something more going on inside the plane than meets the eye,” a user said.


Bear in mind that the audio heard above hasn’t been confirmed as directly related to last night’s crash.

What we do know is that a Learjet 55, which was bound for Missouri, took off from Philadelphia around 6:30 p.m. on Friday night and went down less than a minute later.

The plane, an air ambulance, was carrying a young female patient and her mother, as well as four crew members. None of them are believed to have survived.